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The Marches

Overlooking the Adriatic Sea in the center of Italy, characterized by the presence of the Apennines, which gently slope down along parallel valleys to the sea, the Marche Region is distinguished by the rare beauty that has made it a land of great personalities, from Giacomo Leopardi to Raphael, from Giovan Battista Pergolesi to Gioachino Rossini, from Gaspare Spontini to Father Matteo Ricci to Federico II, who were born here.

Monastery of Fonte Avellana

A 33 km from La Garbatina

The Monastery of Fonte Avellana is located at the wooded slopes of Mount Catria (1701 m.) at 700 meters above sea level.

Its origins date back to the end of the tenth century, around 980, when some hermits chose to build the first cells of a hermitage that over the centuries will become the present monastery.

The spirituality of these hermits was influenced by Saint Romuald of Ravenna, father of the Benedictine Camaldolese Congregation. He lived and worked between the tenth and the eleventh century in areas very close to Fonte Avellana, such as Sitria, Mount Petrano, and San Vincenzo al Furlo.



About 10 km from La Garbatina In the late Roman age Mondavio was part of the flourishing city of Suasa, 5 km upstream, on the right bank of the Cesano river, where remarkable vestiges and finds have been brought to light. After the destruction of Suasa by Alarico, king of the Goths, the inhabitants fled and settled on the surrounding hills, giving origin to the first nucleus of the present hillside villages, including Mondavio.

The territory, before being part of the Ravenna Pentapolis, suffered the devastating raids of Lombards and Bulgarians.

The word Mondavio is found for the first time in a document of 1178, and then preexists to the probable passage of S. Francesco on the place given to him by the Ricci family to build a convent.



At 11 km from La Garbatina
Corinaldo is its walls. An intact and mighty wall of almost 1 km surrounds and supports the medieval old town. And wandering through its alleys you will find yourself in the middle of its most beautiful squares overlooked by the main religious buildings, you will walk along the walls and raise your eyes to the sky to see the imposing towers and bastions on which it is still possible to climb, you will pass in front of the historic buildings and the historic theater and go down the steps of the wonderful Piaggia with the well.

Then don't forget to discover the painted treasures of the Art Gallery and the woven ones of the Hall of Costume and just 4 km from the center the unmissable Ancient Mill Patregnani of 1200, made visitable and usable since 2013.

City Stage, the most beautiful country in the world, City of Art and Faith, Birthplace of Santa Maria Goretti, Country of Madmen. Discover more



At 6 km from La Garbatina
The center of the village is in the small square where the lives and the events of the inhabitants meet; the Cesano river crosses countryside, hills and woods marking the green landscape dominated from above by the castle.

The hermitage of Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana once controlled the village and administered lands, peasants, farm labourers and artisans; in 1500 all the goods passed to the Jesuits who, with the enormous wealth, began to build the castle sparing nothing, having it designed by Luigi Vanvitelli around the middle of the eighteenth century.

The viceroy of Italy Eugene of Beauharnais in 1810 received the appanage and his son Maximilian in 1824 turned it into a princely residence.

It was later redeemed by the papacy, helped by the Roman nobles, and after many vicissitudes it was bought by Count Cerasi and then, after having rented the estates, Alessandro Cinciari was able to become the owner by buying it from Baroness Lardinelli Incalzi.
Enchanting place from which to start magnificent walks.



At 10 km from La Garbatina
Mondolfo has been a garrison of the coast to protect it from possible landings of Saracens, like the time that - through the place still marked by the ancient Church of S.Vittoria that can be seen from the belvedere in the grove on the ridge of the hill to the north east - it was necessary to repel with cunning an attack in force of Turks coming from the sea, who had come down to Marotta, today a seaside resort, and intended to plunder everything possible along the coast and the valley.

So, in order to protect the mouth of the Cesano river, the Bastia, a mighty four-sided tower to guard the delta, was built (about today Piano Marina). In all probability, since Roman times, there was a landing place, even if secondary, for the local traffic.

The boats received the goods that from here could flow from the many localities of the valley of Cesano, crossed by the side road of the Consular Flaminia Road that, in Cagli, rejoined the main road to Rome.



At 35 km from La Garbatina
Commonly called the Switzerland of Marche for its healthy climate and mild temperatures, Frontone is located at an altitude of 450 m above sea level and has about 1320 inhabitants.

Situated in the spring basin of the torrent Cinisco, the commune of Frontone is an extreme edge of the province of Pesaro and Urbino and encloses in its territory a great part of that "hump called Catria" (cfr: Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXI).

The climate reflects the particular geographical variety of the territory: the fresh valleys, the green hills and the peaks of the Catria (m. 1702) and Acuto (m. 1668) mountains, both crossed by easy paths that invite to walks and excursions.

"Taverna della Rocca" Via Leopardi, 20 - Castello di Frontone t./f.: 0721.786109 - 0721.786218
Ristorante "Amabile" Via G. Leopardi, 2 - Castello di Frontone t.: 0721.790710



At 30 km from la Garbatina
Seven kilometers of equipped beaches and free beaches surrounded by a surprising environment such as the Park of Monte San Bartolo and the promontories facing the sea, bathing facilities and low and sandy seabed ideal for the family, a port that, with just two hours by hydrofoil, connects to the other side of the Adriatic.

Pesaro is also a historical center made of elegant streets that give a particular city atmosphere, where among palaces, museums, churches, fortresses, ancient and modern libraries you can walk to discover works of art and ingenuity, or to attend hundreds of shows and initiatives that animate the summer but also all the other seasons.


About 38 km from la Garbatina
A silent passage between dream and reality... An authentic paradise, crossed by the Candigliano river that creeps between the imposing rocky walls of the Gorge, where the suggestion of the landscape joins a prodigious naturalistic richness that boasts specimens of flora and fauna really singular.

The vegetation that covers the tops of the massif is constituted mainly by oak woods with downy oak, black hornbeam, manna ash, maple and rowan. The fluvial and riparian habitat is also very variegated, as well as the rich life in the forests, in the pastures and in the bushes.


"Have you never been to Urbino? If you continue to answer no, you must feel guilty, because you will miss a dimension of Italian civilization. And this is said not only for its artistic heritage, no, it is said for the very physiognomy of the city, for its air, for the extraordinary beauty of its land.
Urbino is an enchanted landscape." (Carlo Bo)

The appearance of the city has come down to us intact and represents the pinnacle of Renaissance art and architecture, harmoniously adapted to its physical environment and its medieval past that make it a totally exceptional place.

During its brief cultural supremacy, the city attracted some of the most distinguished Renaissance scholars and artists who created an urban complex of exceptional homogeneity, influencing the cultural development of the rest of Europe.


At 50 km from La Garbatina
Pretty town rich in monuments, located along the ancient Via Flaminia (47 km from the sea), on the slopes of Mount Petrano (m.1163), where the river Bosso joins the Burano.

It is the ancient Cale that under the Byzantine dominion (sec. VI) was one of the strongholds (together with Gubbio, Urbino, Fossombrone and Jesi) of the internal or mountain Pentapolis.

Riva del Conero

At 70 km from La Garbatina
Mount Conero takes its name from one of its ancient products, the Komaròs, for the ancient Greeks, the Arbutus or "sea cherry" for us. The strawberry tree is a typical shrub of the Mediterranean maquis. Its fruits are round berries with a sweetish taste, with a grainy skin, yellow to scarlet red in color according to maturity. Collected at the end of autumn they can be eaten fresh or in jam. From the strawberry tree is also produced an excellent rose wine and honey.
The Parco Regionale del Conero, established in 1987, is an environmental oasis created around Mount Conero: 572 meters of Mediterranean scrub overlooking the sea, where you can walk along the 18 paths that wind through the woods, alone or accompanied by expert guides (Forestalp and Nature and Tourism), observe the transit of migratory birds such as peregrine falcons and nocturnal birds of prey, visit precious historical and artistic testimonies, such as the Watchtower and the Romanesque church of S. Maria in Portonovo Bay. Maria in the bay of Portonovo.

There are numerous wineries and farms where you can taste and buy the precious Rosso Conero and the best products of the land (honey, oil, legumes, etc.).

The municipalities that are part of it are the four that have at least a part of their territory included in the Conero promontory. Three of them administratively share the coast: Ancona, Sirolo, Numana; the fourth one, Camerano, even if not facing the sea, is geographically and culturally always included in the Conero territory.
Under the Monte Conero, overlooking the sea, there is a whole series of white pebble beaches, bays, sea caves and woods that overlook the Adriatic.


Da Silvio (near the beach of San Michele) a very nice and informal restaurant that overlooks the sea and has a wonderful view, open for lunch gives bathers a worthy break to eat the excellent fresh fish cooked in a very good way. paid 27 € per head with first second side dish.

Da Giustina typical restaurant on the road to Sirolo Eaten very well, fresh fish and impeccable execution. Also here with surprise the cost was 35 € per head for a first class restaurant.

Alla Trattoria (in Sirolo) a pizzeria restaurant very nice and typical of the sea where you can eat good fish and also pizzas. Tried for a pizza and a second fish I must say that it is absolutely to recommend.


At 20 km from La Garbatina
Since 1997 Senigallia can boast the prestigious Blue Flag, the recognition that the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) issues to beaches that guarantee the quality of bathing water, attention to environmental management, services and safety on the beach, information to the user.

For years Senigallia has been investing considerable resources to guarantee excellent levels of urban quality to those who choose the "Velvet Beach" for their vacations.

Safety and tranquility that tourists can find on the beach, on its thirteen kilometers of seafront, in the rich historical center, in its beautiful hills.

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